Features of ELLIPAL Hardware Wallets

1. Tamper-proof Design

. Robust Construction

ELLIPAL wallets feature a solid, tamper-proof design, protecting them from physical attacks. Any attempt to tamper with the device triggers a self-destruct mechanism that wipes all data.

. Anti-Tamper Protection

The hardware is built with anti-tamper features, ensuring that any unauthorized physical access attempts will render the device inoperable.

2. Complete Offline Operation

. No Network Connections

ELLIPAL wallets operate entirely offline, with no Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or USB connections. This air-gapped design ensures that your private keys are never exposed to online threats.

. QR Code Communication

Transactions are signed offline and communicated via QR codes, ensuring that private keys remain secure. The ELLIPAL app scans these QR codes to broadcast transactions to the blockchain.

3. Wide Range of Supported Cryptocurrencies

. Multi-currency Support

ELLIPAL supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and various ERC-20 tokens. Regular updates ensure that new cryptocurrencies are continuously added.

4. User-friendly Interface

. Intuitive Design

The ELLIPAL wallet interface is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users to manage their cryptocurrency portfolios securely.

. ELLIPAL App Integration

The ELLIPAL mobile app seamlessly integrates with the hardware wallet, providing a comprehensive solution for managing digital assets.

Security Best Practices

1. Protect Your Recovery Seed

. Store Offline

Store your recovery seed offline in a secure location, such as a safe or a safety deposit box. Avoid storing it digitally or sharing it with anyone.

. Multiple Copies

Consider making multiple copies of your recovery seed and storing them in different secure locations to ensure you can recover your wallet if one copy is lost or damaged.

2. Regular Firmware Updates

. Stay Updated

Keep your ELLIPAL device firmware up to date to benefit from the latest security features and improvements. Firmware updates are available through the official ELLIPAL website.

. Official Sources Only

Download firmware updates only from the official ELLIPAL website to avoid malicious software.

3. Awareness of Phishing Attempts

. Verify URLs

Always verify the URL before entering any information on websites that interact with your ELLIPAL device. Ensure you are on the official ELLIPAL website or trusted applications.

. Never Share Your Recovery Seed or PIN

Do not share your recovery seed or PIN with anyone. Be cautious of phishing attempts that may try to trick you into revealing sensitive information.